Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Reading Notes: Native American Hero Tales-Part B

I am continuing reading the second part of the Native American Hero Tales from Stith Thompson's anthology.

Lodge-Boy and Thrown-Away: I am so confused. These stories don't make much sense. I am confused about what is going on and what the stories mean.

Lodge-Boy and Thrown-Away (cont.): This is confusing. There wasn't really a story to this. The boys were thrown then grew up and did things their father told them not to. Eventually, they lived happily ever after...confusing.

The Son-in-Law Tests: I don't understand these stories. I don't like them. They are pretty nonsensical. Things keep trying to kill each other.

The Jealous Father: I like that this story has an animal that helps the young man. I think I will probably incorporate some sort of helpful animal in my story.

The Jealous Father (cont.): I liked this story. It was interesting that the father conjured evil things while the mother conjured things to help the son return home safely. I like that the son survived. I wish the father wouldn't have died, but I guess it was an okay story.


Dirty-Boy: This story is interesting as well. I like that there is a competition to win the daughters. I think I may mix the two stories. I will have a daughter of the chief and someone will have to win a challenge. I will have an animal help the man that will win or something like that.

Dirty-Boy (cont.): Yes! I keep getting worried I won't like any of the stories that I read and won't be able to write anything, but fortunately, the last story was great! I am going to write about the girl choosing the man that is sickly instead of someone else. I will have him transform in the end as well.

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