Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reading Notes: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-Part A

I decided to read the Alice in Wonderland stories in order to help with my story. I had started reading this story and wanted my story book to be based off it. So I am reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll this week for my extra reading!

Down the Rabbit-Hole: I really like this story! I am quite familiar with the Alice in Wonderland series and am enjoying reading it again.

Down the Rabbit-Hole (cont.): I like that this is the traditional Alice in Wonderland story. I think I'm going to use something similar to this in my story for my storybook.

Down the Rabbit-Hole (end): I really don't like how the story just stops and skips to another place. I am somewhat familiar with Alice in Wonderland so I don't feel like I'm missing that much. I just feel like I did miss a nice portion of it though. 
Advice from a Caterpillar: I was never quite sure what the caterpillar stands for or what he represents. I'm hoping I will understand soon or at least get an idea for the way I want my story to go.
Advice from a Caterpillar (cont.): The caterpillar is a very confusing character. I still don't understand his purpose. He seems to just tell nonsensical tales and not be much help. I would like to have a character that makes more sense in my story. Maybe more like the Cheshire cat, which I'm sure I will meet later! I think I may not keep the easily offended attitudes in my story. I would like to make them more carefree and nice, but then have a flip personality in the end.

Advice from a Caterpillar (end): It's interesting that she turns into a serpent like creature with her long, flexible neck. I am not a huge fan of the animals. They are all quite rude. It is funny that as soon as she reaches her desired size, she is so willing to change her size again to potentially talk to some people in a white house.

Pig and Pepper: We met the Cheshire cat! I like that the people seem somewhat nicer in this place, but who knows.

Pig and Pepper (cont.): Another strange story. I did enjoy this story too, but I am confused again. Were all the people actually pigs? What a confusing story! I'm not sure if I want to have such a confusing story to my storybook. I think I will have it make more sense then make it confusing at the end.

Pig and Pepper (end): I think I will have a character like the Cheshire cat, except more helpful!

1 comment:

  1. It's cool that you want to use Alice in Wonderland as inspiration from your own story. There's so much imagination in the source material that I think everyone who reads it imagines something slightly different. Obviously there are a lot of adaptions, but I know I never get tired of reading or watching or playing them. It's a surefire way to attract an audience. I liked your idea about tweaking the caterpillar and the Cheshire cat!
