Monday, April 24, 2017

Famous Last Words: The end is near, but not near enough

I have really been struggling the last few weeks. My groups' capstone paper is due on Tuesday, and we have spent about 8 hours a day working on it for the last 8 days. I am so ready to just be done. I want to sleep so bad! The end is so near, but not near enough. I just want to stop and graduate and hope for the best, but I know I need to keep trying. The finish line is so close, and I am continually limping and crawling toward it. I think it's just about over, and I have another stressful week.

This passed week, my laptop charger got severed so I have been without a laptop for 5 days now. I ordered a new charger, but it is running late. Apparently, Wal-mart and other technology stores do not sell chargers anymore. Best Buy has a universal charger, but it costs $65. I do not have that kind of money to spend on a charger. I ended up buying one on amazon for $8. I have been able to get a lot done because I am not able to work in my room so I have less distractions-like my bed. I still can't wait for my charger to come in. I hope it will get here soon so I can resume my normal college life-studying and working on things while I lie in my bed surrounded by junk food and pillows.

I am super excited to graduate! I took my senior pictures and sent out all my graduation announcements! It was such a fulfilling moment! However, it has unmotivated me from doing too much this week, other than working 24/7 on capstone. I have had a hard time keeping up with my other classes this week-including this class. I'm hoping to finish up capstone and move along to a more relaxed time!

Personal Photo by Dylan Cunningham

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sabrina, I just wanted to say what a lovely graduation photo that is. Teaching these classes with lots of graduating seniors is so nice because of the collective feeling of accomplishment. Congratulations!!! :-)
